ORECI Fee-For-Service Program


CVOEO’s Office of Racial Equity and Community Inclusion provides interpretation, translation, outreach, proofreading, cultural brokering, and related services to internal and external partners for fee-for-service in multiple languages, including Nepali, Lingala, Chinese/Mandarin, Spanish, Arabic, French, Swahili, Somali, Maay Maay, Thai, Bosnian, Russian, Portuguese, Bembe, Kirundi, Kinyarwanda and more.

All requests for interpretation and translation must be submitted through the CVOEO/ORECI Language Request Form.


CVOEO has a cadre of paid bi- and multi-lingual Community Ambassadors helping community members overcome language and cultural barriers while creating another avenue of trust and communications for New American and Black, Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) community members.

Community Ambassadors are trusted and self-motivated representatives of the New American community who have lived experience in outreach, organizing, educating, and advocating for their community. CVOEO Community Ambassadors refer community members for different services such as health (including COVID), housing/homeownership, credit/finance, unemployment, food, transportation, education, childcare, and more.

What makes CVOEO’s Community Ambassadors unique is their ability to ensure language access with efficient and trusted outreach for group and community-level service provision (workshops/classes) and one-on-one counseling to empower community members.

Ambassadors also facilitate/co-facilitate workshops and “Resource Navigation events,” which bring together small groups of community members to learn about topics such as starting a business, home ownership, higher education, credit and money management, tax preparation, tenant skills, and more.

Fee-for-Service request process

Partner organizations are invited to request language services for outreach, cultural brokering interpretation, proofreading, and translation services.

All requests for interpretation and translation must be submitted through this CVOEO/ORECI Language Request Form. Prior to starting the work on translation projects, you must meet with either Shiferaw and/or Virginie. For additional information or any questions, please email Shiferaw at sgemeda@cvoeo.org.