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- Annual Report
Annual Report
2024 Gratitude Report
Please enjoy CVOEO's 2024 Gratitude Report: Stronger Together, linked and previewed below.
To download a copy, visit this link.
To explore more impact numbers from 2024, expand the individual sections below.
Number of neighbors served: 23,056
- Addison – 2,118
- Chittenden – 14,117
- Franklin – 5,171
- Grand Isle – 626
- Other – 1,024
Number of Households Served: 12,677
- Addison – 1,039
- Chittenden – 7,833
- Franklin – 2,619
- Grand Isle – 324
- Other – 862
- Neighbors Served: 89
- Total occupied bed nights in shelter (open all year): 8,970
- Of the 10 neighbors who moved to permanent housing in this period, the average length of stay at Champlain Place was 53.33 days. The median length of stay for that group was approx. the same.
- Among all shelter guests, the average length of stay was 38.05 days with a median stay of approx. the same and a long stay of 365 days.
- Current shelter waitlist (as of 9/30): 62
Addison Community Action
Heat and Utility Assistance
Crisis Fuel
- Neighbors served: 334
- Households served: 148
- Dollar amount dispersed: $75,828
Warmth Support Program
- Neighbors served: 220
- Households served: 106
- Dollar amount dispersed: $32,333
Housing Financial Assistance
- Neighbors served: 123
- Households served: 47
Housing Services Coordination
- Neighbors served: 181
- Households served: 82
- Tax returns completed: 197
- Tax returns accepted: 175
- Combined tax credits and refunds: $330,053
Chittenden Community Action
Heat and Utility Assistance
Crisis Fuel
- Neighbors served: 1,346
- Households served: 539
- Dollar amount dispersed: $236,993
Warmth Support Program
- Neighbors served: 1,627
- Households served: 690
- Dollar amount dispersed: $194,356
Housing Financial Assistance
- Neighbors served: 1,058
- Households served: 474
Housing Services Coordination
- Neighbors served: 1,428
- Households served: 681
- Tax returns completed: 1,533
- Tax returns accepted: 1,477
- Combined tax credits and refunds: $3,475,631
Franklin and Grand Isle Community Action
Heat and Utility Assistance
Crisis Fuel
- Neighbors served: 913
- Households served: 379
- Dollar amount dispersed: $216,708
Warmth Support Program
- Neighbors served: 1,380
- Households served: 554
- Dollar amount dispersed: $177,784
Housing Financial Assistance
- Neighbors served: 494
- Households served: 226
Housing Services Coordination
- Neighbors served: 526
- Households served: 244
- Tax returns completed: 295
- Tax returns accepted: 283
- Combined tax credits and refunds: $583,271
Community Action: Meeting people where they are.
- Number of locations visited: 40-60
- Number of neighbors served: 339
- Number of individual visits: ~500
Community Resource Center
- Number of individual visits: 30,008
- Number of neighbors served: 2,664
- Average individual visits/day: 131
Coordinated Entry
- Neighbors served: 1617
- Households served: 1225
- Neighbors housed who were in the program: 440
- Households housed who were in the program: 275
Addison Community Action Food Shelf
- Neighbors served:
- Walk in: 1,050
- Deliveries: 264
- All (unduplicated): 1,284
- Households served:
- Walk in: 497
- Deliveries: 120
- All (deduplicated): 603
- Pounds of food donated: 68,040
Burlington Food Shelf
- Neighbors served:
- Walk in: 9,218
- Deliveries: 1,177
- All (deduplicated): 9,942
- Households served:
- Walk in: 5,128
- Deliveries: 530
- All (deduplicated): 5,478
- Pounds of food donated: 1,838,528
NorthWest Family Foods
- Neighbors served:
- Walk in: 2,952
- Deliveries: 508
- All (deduplicated): 3,283
- Households served:
- Walk in: 1,533
- Deliveries: 262
- All (deduplicated): 1,704
- Pounds of food donated: 301,754
- Neighbors served: 602
- Addison: 38
- Chittenden: 432
- Franklin/Grand Isle: 124
- Other: 8
- Households served: 342
- Addison: 22
- Chittenden: 252
- Franklin/Grand Isle: 60
- Other: 8
- Finance and Business Development classes:
- 53 financial literacy classes
- 19 Spend SMART
- 11 Keys to Credit
- 9 Sustaining the Rent
- 7 Avoiding Scams and Financial Fraud
- 3 Creating a Financial Future
- 3 Credit Basics
- 1 Career Empowerment Day
- 19 Micro Business Development Workshops
- 5 Digital Literacy classes for business owners
- 3 Community Kitchen Academy classes taught by Micro Business Development coaches
- 1 Financial energy workshops
- 53 financial literacy classes
- Counseling sessions offered:
- 93 financial literacy counselling sessions
- 71 GreenSavingSmart counselling sessions
- 797 Micro Business counselling sessions
- Micro Business Development clients supported in finding, applying for, and receiving $408,266 in grants and loans to start, sustain, or expand a small business.
- Grants provided to small businesses run by New Americans: 5 grants, totaling to $125,000
- Number of Head Start children served from total number of families: 197 families, 212 children
- Addison: 31 families, 33 children
- Chittenden: 128 families, 136 children
- Franklin and Grand Isle: 38 families, 43 children
- Number of Early Head Start children served from total number of families: 137 families, 189 children
- Addison: 31 families, 37 children
- Chittenden: 76 families, 107 children
- Franklin and Grand Isle: 30 families, 45 children
- Number of home visits and number of participants, by county: 140 participants, 2,269 home visits (Home Visiting program only)
- Addison: 23 participants, 345 home visits
- Chittenden: 68 participants, 1229 home visits
- Franklin and Grand Isle: 49 participants, 695 home visits
- Percentage of 4 y/o preschoolers meeting/exceeding expectations for kindergarten readiness: Average – 84% across all domains of learning
- Social Emotional – 88%
- Physical – 99%
- Language – 85%
- Cognitive – 90%
- Literacy – 74%
- Math – 72%
- Neighbors served: 1,651
- Addison: 80
- Chittenden: 825
- Franklin/Grand Isle: 245
- Other: 501
- Households served: 1,222
- Addison: 49
- Chittenden: 548
- Franklin/Grand Isle: 140
- Other: 485
- VT Fair Housing Project:
- Neighbors served: 128 fair housing consults (VTT, MHP, FH)
- Workshop participants: 1,076 community members, municipal officials, and housing & service providers attended Fair Housing & Know Your Rights workshops
- Fair Housing Month activities: 21 libraries, 8 housing sites, and 10 community groups
- VT Tenants:
- Neighbors served via hotline: 709 (1051 consults)
- Renters’ workshop participants: 596
- Interpreted renters’ workshop participants: 29
- VT Mobile Home Program:
- Households served via hotline: 223 (490 consults)
- Mobile home parks assisted: 22 unique sites (50 activities)
- Number of residents contacted: 815
- HOME Family Voucher Program:
- Program participants: 213 families
- Housing secured: 145 families
- Successful transition to permanent vouchers: 38 families
- Neighbors experiencing homelessness served: 439, including 247 children
- Statewide Asylum Seekers Assistance Program:
- Regional organizations supported: 6
- Households served: 72 (106 adults and 49 children)
- Services: 625 assists related to employment, housing stability, self-sufficiency, and community integration
- Community Ambassadors Program:
- Community Ambassadors employed: 26
- Total number of Ambassadors hired: 19
- Number of Resource Navigation Gatherings: 9 (8 House parties and 1 Resource Navigation event)
- Translation and Interpretation services requests: 233
- Translation and Interpretation services completed: 229
- Interpreter training sessions offered: 2, 11 participants in each
- Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
- Neighbors reached in Chittenden County by ACP Program: 1,476
- Neighbors enrolled in Chittenden County to ACP Program: 28
- Staff Resources:
- Diversity training sessions offered: 6
- Participants on average per diversity training session: 40
- Members of Racial Equity Committee: 25
- Racial Equity sessions offered: 6
- Participants on average per Racial Equity session: 14
- Karibu Cultural Celebration & New Hope Award Presentation Ceremony
- The 2024 Karibu Cultural Celebration was held on November 2 at The University of Vermont’s Fleming Museum of Art. The event was attended by more than 165 community members and raised over $27,000 to support the CVOEO Asylum Seekers Assistance Program, which provides asylees with emergency funds to purchase essential items, including personal hygiene supplies, diapers, food, and medicine.
- The evening also featured the Crystal Family New Hope Award Presentation Ceremony, honoring the 2024 winners, Mona Tolba & Samuel Dingba.
- Number of nominations received: 7
- Awards distributed: 2, $1,000 each
- Winners: 2
Learn more about the Office of Racial Equity & Community Inclusion
- Neighbors served: 65
- Total occupied bed nights in shelter (open all year): 5,589
- Of the 15 neighbors who moved to permanent housing in this period, the average length of stay was 174 days. The median length of stay for that group was 140.
- Among all shelter guests, the average length of stay was 98 days with a median stay of 76 and a long stay of 365 days.
- Current shelter waitlist (as of 9/30): 84
- Victims/survivors served, individual adults and children: 446 adults and 56 children
- Total nights of shelter offered for all individual adults and children: 3,506
- Victims/survivors served in transitional housing: 8 adults and 4 children
- Calls received for shelter that were not accommodated due to capacity: 111
- Total hotline calls, chats and emails: 1,427
- Number of households assisted with housing navigation: 12
- Number of households served outside of F/GI Counties: 30
- Neighbors served: 313
- Addison: 76
- Chittenden: 134
- Franklin: 85
- Grand Isle: 18
- Households served: 176
- Addison: 41
- Chittenden: 79
- Franklin: 45
- Grand Isle: 11
- Households who previously received fuel assistance: 102 homes, or 58%
- Estimated average annual savings:
- 13,296 Gallons oil
- 5,368 Gallons propane
- 6,624 Gallons kerosene
- 6,733 CCF natural gas
- 26 Cords of wood
- 19 kWh of electricity
- Total household units, whether it be an apartment in a multi-family house, a mobile home or a single-family home, who received weatherization services/energy efficiency improvements: 176 total household units
- 155 single family household units
- 9 2-4 household unit multis (including 7 two-unit buildings, 1 three-unit, and 1 four-unit)