CVOEO's Housing Advocacy Programs (HAP) provide education, support, advocacy, technical assistance, and referrals for people and organizations throughout Vermont. These services are grounded in the belief that housing is a basic human right and that everyone deserves equitable access to securing and maintaining a home, free from discrimination.
The HAP team serves renters, mobile home residents, and people experiencing discrimination, and also partners with housing and service providers, municipal officials, and other organizations to promote inclusive, affordable housing for all. Program services and activities are designed to build individual and community knowledge, confidence, and agency in rental housing and mobile home law, fair housing legal protections, strategies for finding and maintaining rental housing, and community engagement.
Select each program below for resource links, publications, workshops, and other information:
- VERMONT TENANTS: Information, resources, referrals, navigation services, and workshops to help people find and maintain stable housing. Workshops are available in-person and online (live and self-paced) and the Rent Right program combines tenant skills and financial workshops and coaching to result in a preferred renter certificate.
- MOBILE HOME PROGRAM: Information, resources, and support services designed to help mobile home park residents achieve greater control over their housing and protect and improve their housing rights and living conditions. Services include resident organizing, housing counseling, and referrals.
- FAIR HOUSING PROJECT: Consultations, referrals, education, and advocacy for the general public, housing and service providers, and municipal officials with the goal of eradicating illegal housing discrimination and increasing housing opportunity and choice. The Fair Housing Project also coordinates community events, supports local housing committees, facilitates the Thriving Communities initiative, and offers assessments and training related to Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing and developing inclusive, affordable housing.
- HOME Family Housing Voucher Program: Vermont's Office of Economic Opportunity and CVOEO are providing a new rapid re-housing voucher to families experiencing homelessness.
- Striving for Equity Project: CVOEO’s Striving for Equity Project supports local housing committees and promotes avenues for citizen housing advocacy to increase the amount inclusive, affordable housing that meets local housing needs. The Striving for Equity project is a continuation of the Thriving Communities initiative, which seeks to increase awareness about the importance of inclusive, affordable housing and support Vermont municipalities in their efforts to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing. It is funded through a HUD Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) grant.
Vermont Tenants Hotline
Phone: (802) 864-0099
Email: vttenants@cvoeo.org
Mobile Home Program Hotline
Phone: (802) 660-3455 ext. 204
Email: mhp@cvoeo.org
Fair Housing Project
Phone: (802) 660-3455 ext. 106
Email: fhp@cvoeo.org
Other Housing Support
For help stabilizing your housing , preventing homelessness, support with back rent, security deposits, or fuel assistance, contact the Community Action Agency for your region.