Representation Matters

(Brought to you by our CNPP partner JPX Social Enterprise)

Ever wondered what it’s like to start your own business? What resources might be available to help? What are the fundamentals to business plans? Come hear from a stellar cast of business owners as they share their journeys, challenges, opportunities, and best advice.

Connect on Your Own Terms
It’s your turn to see yourself in our panelists’ lived experiences and learn from their opportunities, challenges, and advice. You are free to engage directly in the event or simply listen if that makes you more comfortable. Whatever your style, we hope you will see this as an opportunity to make meaningful connections.

Real talk on business ownership with:
Moderator & Host: Juan Adorno, Principal, JPX Social Enterprise
Akshata Nayak, Founder, Little Patakha
Alex Hilliard, Owner/Coach, VT AthletaFit
Kevin Chu, Co-Founder, Sprinticity Athletics
Peter Lewis, Founder, WorldCast Live
Prince Awhaitey, Owner, Healthy Kingdom

If you are a high school teacher or college instructor and would like to register your class, please contact Sara at:

This event is part of the Community Navigator Pilot Program with the Vermont Small Business Development Center and nine Vermont non-profit organizations and funded in part through a grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Learn more at