Homelessness and addiction are a whole Vermont problem and need a whole state solution

Paul Dragon, Executive Direct of CVOEO, shares with Saint Albans Messenger in his recent Letter to the Editor, " It remains true that homelessness and addiction are a whole Vermont problem and will need a whole state solution." 

In this recent Op Ed, Dragon addresses the growing issues of homelessness and substance use in Vermont, including St. Albans. He notes that despite once having one of the lowest rates of homelessness, Vermont now ranks second highest. This crisis, Paul explains, is homegrown, stemming from a lack of affordable housing, cuts to emergency housing, and insufficient shelter capacity. Contrary to some claims, most people experiencing homelessness in Vermont have deep ties to the state.

Paul emphasizes that nonprofits like CVOEO work hard to provide shelter, services, and stability, but real solutions will require a statewide effort. "We will all have to get together and stay together if we want to fix the problems of homelessness, addiction and despair in our communities," he finishes. Stopping services won’t fix the problem—working together will.

You can read Paul Dragon's full opinion piece in the Saint Albans Messenger here: https://www.samessenger.com/op...